Sunday, 12 July 2015

Quarterly meeting July -2015

Our  quarterly meeting held on 13- July -2015 at Sambhaji Garden.
Meeting Attendance was as below.
1) Mahesh Kothale
2) Ajit Nikam
3) Atul Deshmukh
4) Nagraju Thogaru
5)Pravesh Shinde
6) Nilesh labhe
Points Discussed
New Joinees
Charity Account
Other Activity
Web Development Updates
Loan Committee
Discipline committee
Begale Pramotional Activity

 New Joinees
 1) Sharad Chavan
2) Bhorse Sandip
3) Gorakh Bhosale
4) Sonaji Kawle
5) Kumbhar Raghvendra
6) Manju Mogekar
7) Anil Mogekar
8) Pandurang Ambekar
9) Suma Poduval
10) Nilesh labhe
11) Dipak Kulkarni
12) Abhijeet Mule
13) Londhe Shailesh.
14) Balaji Gujar
15) Santosh Bhoge
16) Rutuja Dipak Kulkarni
Change meeting day:
To increase the meeting attendance we are changing the day Wednesday instead of Saturday. So next meeting will be on second Wednesday of month.   
Charity Account
Till date from last update we involve in two activity under this committee
Books donation -
Dindi 2015  contribution - 1720/-  
Other Activity
Fruit: Start a process to provide fruits on lower cost. those who are interested to buy regular fruits on low cost can enroll their names. It will help to maintain family health.   
Web Development Updates
Deployment is under process, First module is nearly completed.
New Site address is
Loan Committee
In a last quarter total loan disbursement is 3,05,000/- only.
We decided to keep  10% reserve of total share amount. For this we are stopping new loans for next two months.
Discipline committee
We are focusing to restructure the committee and need to add more volunteer in this team.
Begale Pramotional Activity
I would like to thank everyone for your support and regular share contribution. Every time, please don't expect the call from Begale group member for share reminder. That's individuals responsibility to transfer share. The volunteer caller is also busy like every other members, they are also working people. Definitely we will add certain processes for reminding share.
We are appeal  to share group concept with friend and help them to join a group.
We are also trying to improve processes to create better transparency.   
 Thanking you all.

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