Thursday, 29 June 2017

End of IT Job.

Hello friends,

It is difficult to imagine that we are losing the current IT job one day.

Can be one of three reasons

1) Individually resignation

2) Retirement

3) Termination from company AudioHR_Employee_Discussion


The first two reasons will keep you happy and showcase your career development.

But the third reason is painful for everyone, we can never think of the third reason. The imagination of the third reason is painful too. We believe that the third reason is also reality

Due to the termination of the employee, we should be able to handle the situation.


1) Be ready with the latest technology

2) Increase monthly savings

3) Reduce unwanted spending

4) Work together and help the victims of this community.


We are also introducing a new scheme for every employee to survive in this situation (Begale member).

We will help financially to take care of person's family expenses and to join new course as per our ability.

The job terminated employees will be eligible for a loan without interest for one year.

Their repayment will start after one year.

Detail guidelines / rules will be issued immediately following the general discussion.



Thanks to all of you.

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Happy New Year 2016

Dear All Friends,

This year will be successful to all of us. Need to be more contribute in terms of ideas and efforts.

 I wish you all a Happy new Year 2016.

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Quarterly meeting July -2015

Our  quarterly meeting held on 13- July -2015 at Sambhaji Garden.
Meeting Attendance was as below.
1) Mahesh Kothale
2) Ajit Nikam
3) Atul Deshmukh
4) Nagraju Thogaru
5)Pravesh Shinde
6) Nilesh labhe
Points Discussed
New Joinees
Charity Account
Other Activity
Web Development Updates
Loan Committee
Discipline committee
Begale Pramotional Activity

 New Joinees
 1) Sharad Chavan
2) Bhorse Sandip
3) Gorakh Bhosale
4) Sonaji Kawle
5) Kumbhar Raghvendra
6) Manju Mogekar
7) Anil Mogekar
8) Pandurang Ambekar
9) Suma Poduval
10) Nilesh labhe
11) Dipak Kulkarni
12) Abhijeet Mule
13) Londhe Shailesh.
14) Balaji Gujar
15) Santosh Bhoge
16) Rutuja Dipak Kulkarni
Change meeting day:
To increase the meeting attendance we are changing the day Wednesday instead of Saturday. So next meeting will be on second Wednesday of month.   
Charity Account
Till date from last update we involve in two activity under this committee
Books donation -
Dindi 2015  contribution - 1720/-  
Other Activity
Fruit: Start a process to provide fruits on lower cost. those who are interested to buy regular fruits on low cost can enroll their names. It will help to maintain family health.   
Web Development Updates
Deployment is under process, First module is nearly completed.
New Site address is
Loan Committee
In a last quarter total loan disbursement is 3,05,000/- only.
We decided to keep  10% reserve of total share amount. For this we are stopping new loans for next two months.
Discipline committee
We are focusing to restructure the committee and need to add more volunteer in this team.
Begale Pramotional Activity
I would like to thank everyone for your support and regular share contribution. Every time, please don't expect the call from Begale group member for share reminder. That's individuals responsibility to transfer share. The volunteer caller is also busy like every other members, they are also working people. Definitely we will add certain processes for reminding share.
We are appeal  to share group concept with friend and help them to join a group.
We are also trying to improve processes to create better transparency.   
 Thanking you all.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

PMJBY and PMSBY Insurance Scheme announced by Ministry of Finance

Dear Sir/Madam,
 You are aware that the Honorable Finance Minister announced two Insurance Schemes in the Union Budget 2015-16. The Schemes are as under-
 1. PMJBY- Life insurance cover of Rs. 2 lacs for an annual premium of Rs. 330/- for all customers in the age group of 18 to 50 years.
 2. PMSBY- Accident Insurance cover of Rs. 2 lacs for an annual premium of Rs. 12/- for all customers in the age group of 18 to 70 years.
 The insurance cover will start from 01.06.2015 to 31.05.2016 and will be required to be renewed every year.
 Please contact your nearest Branch immediately to avoid last hour rush and make use of this unique opportunity.
 The insurance cover is available at the same premium amount and without requirement of a medical check up for all eligible people irrespective of their age.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Monthly Meeting APR 2014

Hi All,
Our monthly meeting held on 12- Apr -2014 at Sambhaji Garden.
Meeting Attendance was as below.
1) Mahesh Kothale

2) Pravesh Shinde 
3) Shrinivas Dongawkar
4) Girish tangadi
Points Discussed
Housing Society "Maitri Park"
Loan Committee
Discipline committee
Begale Pramotional Activity


Housing Society "Maitri Park"

Those are the members of maƮtre park for them its important to know the status of progress. We finalized the latest plan provided by builders in which four flats per floor and total floors are 12 in our building. Builder provided date to work start will be 1st of JUNE 2014. He expect approval for new plan is till 1st June 2014.
At the same time we are looking for Open plots for row houses. Some members are forcing for that and now near about 15 members are ready for that. I will provide you updates of this scheme in future. Those are interested in scheme can enroll their names to Mahesh Kothale.   
Loan Committee &
Discipline committee
No updates from these committee's and running very smoothly.
Begale Pramotional Activity

With the aim of Increase members in Begale and to grow Begale group we are launching new activity            "3 Step Success" . Those are interested to come in this activity can meet Mahesh kothale.
The rules are under process, but we hope this activity will support to grow the beagle group count.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Monthly meeting March 2014

Hi All,

Our monthly meeting held on 8- March -2014 at Sambhaji Garden.

Meeting Attendance was as below.
1) Mahesh Swami
2) Pravesh Shinde

Points Discussed

1> Monthly Meeting : We will encourage our members to attend the meeting.
2> Other Activity : We will do tyr to arrange Get-together.
3> Loan Committee : Below new loan rule defined.
Rule : If any first due of the member will be waved\discarded as a first warning.
4> Dividends : we should declare 4% dividends.
5> Internet connection is finalized and will be set at office in 24 hours. 

This is nice initiative from members, we have to go help other committee members to run every beagle activity smoothly.
We have to support our self, nobody from outside is coming to help our group. Each member of Begale is Brand ambassador of our group. We can give publicity of our group by word of mouth.

Please read meeting points held on 8th March 2014 in below forwarded mail.

I would like to thank you our group members for this effort.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Monthly Meeting Dec 2013.

Our monthly meeting held on 15- Dec -2013 at Sambhaji Garden.
Meeting Attendance was as below.
1) Mahesh Kothale
2) Pravesh Shinde
3) Dnyaneshwar Patil
4) Santosh Thenge
5) Dinesh Ambatwar
6) Mahesh Swami
7) Sandip Sarpe
8) Pandurang Jagtap 

Points Discussed
New Joinees
Other Activity
Loan Committee
Discipline committee
Begale Pramotional Activity & Monthly Share

 New Joinees
1)  Kumbhar Raghvendra
2)  Sushant Kulkarni
Members in process of joining 
1) Anil Mogekar and four members with his reference.

Other Activity
We successfully formed 'Maitri Park' group and detached from beagle.
Now we are in process to start new business group from Begale members for starting store chain business. We are studying regarding pros and cons of that business.
Loan Committee
We are still in forming stage, Loan team leader and their members updated loan rules. 
As a management we always need to think about operation cost, administration cost, future plans and their estimated cost. For grow and attract the new members to society, it is very important to work on these strategies. then only we can make our identity.
We are always in dilemma to protect investor and to give loan to needy members. After calculation and consideration of initial risks we decided interest rates and its tenure in loan rules document.
We will provide loan up to Rs. 10000/- to new joinee if he able to provide two guarantors whom sum of  share in beagle is grater than  applied loan amount.

Discipline committee
This team is doing well.

Begale Pramotional Activity & Monthly share.

We are increasing monthly share values up to Rs. 1,000/- for only those who completed 24 months in society and last year they are contributing share Rs 500/- per month. Its not mandatory for any member.


Note: For the Members who have not attended the meeting and still have any issues or doubt, please reply to this mail with issues. We will like to help him.