Monday, 14 April 2014

Monthly Meeting APR 2014

Hi All,
Our monthly meeting held on 12- Apr -2014 at Sambhaji Garden.
Meeting Attendance was as below.
1) Mahesh Kothale

2) Pravesh Shinde 
3) Shrinivas Dongawkar
4) Girish tangadi
Points Discussed
Housing Society "Maitri Park"
Loan Committee
Discipline committee
Begale Pramotional Activity


Housing Society "Maitri Park"

Those are the members of maƮtre park for them its important to know the status of progress. We finalized the latest plan provided by builders in which four flats per floor and total floors are 12 in our building. Builder provided date to work start will be 1st of JUNE 2014. He expect approval for new plan is till 1st June 2014.
At the same time we are looking for Open plots for row houses. Some members are forcing for that and now near about 15 members are ready for that. I will provide you updates of this scheme in future. Those are interested in scheme can enroll their names to Mahesh Kothale.   
Loan Committee &
Discipline committee
No updates from these committee's and running very smoothly.
Begale Pramotional Activity

With the aim of Increase members in Begale and to grow Begale group we are launching new activity            "3 Step Success" . Those are interested to come in this activity can meet Mahesh kothale.
The rules are under process, but we hope this activity will support to grow the beagle group count.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Monthly meeting March 2014

Hi All,

Our monthly meeting held on 8- March -2014 at Sambhaji Garden.

Meeting Attendance was as below.
1) Mahesh Swami
2) Pravesh Shinde

Points Discussed

1> Monthly Meeting : We will encourage our members to attend the meeting.
2> Other Activity : We will do tyr to arrange Get-together.
3> Loan Committee : Below new loan rule defined.
Rule : If any first due of the member will be waved\discarded as a first warning.
4> Dividends : we should declare 4% dividends.
5> Internet connection is finalized and will be set at office in 24 hours. 

This is nice initiative from members, we have to go help other committee members to run every beagle activity smoothly.
We have to support our self, nobody from outside is coming to help our group. Each member of Begale is Brand ambassador of our group. We can give publicity of our group by word of mouth.

Please read meeting points held on 8th March 2014 in below forwarded mail.

I would like to thank you our group members for this effort.